Sunday, 1 May 2011

Transformation of Graphs, contd

When you are doing composite transformation of graphs, as you will at C3 and presumably C4 level, you do need to remember that sometimes the order of transformation counts. I have to admit to struggling with this (I don't have a tutor right now) so forgive me if I fail to offer a convincing explanation. But it's something like this:

If you are stretching in the x-direction, that comes BEFORE any translation.

If you are stretching in the y-direction, that comes AFTER any translation.

That's what I've picked up from getting lots of answers wrong, anyhow. I think it's to do with the way that a y-stretch affects the whole equation, while an x-stretch affects anything directly attached to the x part of the equation.

Some websites do suggest that you start at the innermost point of the equation and then work out - I don't know if this works for all composite transformations. I doubt it if what I've written above is right.

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