Saturday, 23 May 2009

Long Time, No Blog

It's been a tricky old year so far, like a particularly knotty equation, so I haven't found the time for maths blogging, or even for maths.

So it was with some trepidation that I looked at my calendar about a month ago and saw the date for the AQA C2 exam. At that point I knew nothing of radians, logarithms I couldn't even spell, and geometric series I thought were just lots of pretty pictures (lots of geometry type stuff). So I spent a month fairly hectically doing the last four chapters of C2, missing out a few questions on the way and also, disappointingly, not really bothering to look at the proofs for the various formulae but just learning them.

C2 was yesterday. It was ok, though exams are always hard to assess until you get the marks. I answered all qs, but I think the differentiation with fractional indices one might have cost me a few %.

As before, the exam was thrilling. No I really mean this. I had bags of adrenalin, lots of excitement, masses of determination to show what I could do. I am like this with things that don't matter. Only important things have me quivering in the corner like a wobbly jelly who's just been made professor of wobbling at Oxford (ok ok that's a Blackadder joke sort of). Lining up beforehand with fifty sixth formers all pointing at me and whispering was a bit strange but it just reminded me of how utterly uninterested in it I was at their age. You do it for reasons, to get to uni, or because you happen to be good it, but you rarely do it just because you love it - you learn that later. Sometimes.

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